I should also point a thanks to this informative website about how to cook buckwheat the Russian way.
2 cups of buckwheat
6 cups of water
~350 grams of firm tofu
spring onions
margarine (Nuttalex is good!)
olive oil
1 long red chilli
2 long green chillis
1 whole tomato
3 cloves of garlic
1 inch chunk of ginger (skin on)
1-2 tsp Vincent's (not me...) vegan fish sauce
2 tsp vegan shrimp paste (yes, such a thing exists)
1. Prepare marinade by putting it all in a blender and puree-ing-ish.
2. Toss chopped tofu through marinade and let sit for a couple of hours.
3. Boil water in a large pot, once boiling add buckwheat, wait until it boils again then reduce to a low heat and cook for about 10-15 minutes. Cover with a heavy lid and remove from heat for a further 10-15 minutes.
4. Fold a tbsp of margarine through the buckwheat.
5. Heat oil in a pan, add tofu and most of the marinade and fry until fragrant.
6. Transfer buckwheat to a serving dish, fold the tofu and leftover marinade through the buckwheat.
7. Chop three spring onions over the buckwheat and tofu, then serve.
Pictured here with my rice balls.